Twip of the Day – Applying Crystalline Waterproofing

Crystalline waterproofing materials are a great way to protect your basement walls from water damage and freezing. Crystalline waterproofing material is applied to basement walls and penetrates into the porous cavities of the cement. This changes the porous concrete into a waterproof solid. It is most effective in a wet basement where water seepage is a problem. Another advantage to using this material is that installation is straightforward and can be accomplished by any do-it-yourself homeowner.

The first step when applying crystalline waterproofing material is to clean concrete wall surfaces. The crystalline waterproofing material will only adhere to the concrete surface if it is free from any other obstructions, so use a wire brush to clean off any loose concrete or paint. A hammer and chisel may be needed for large pieces of concrete that need removed. If there are multiple layers of paint that cover a wide area, you could try power washing the surface or even sandblasting it.

The next step is to repair your concrete surface. If there has been water leaking through the surface o the concrete, you will need to do some repair work before applying the waterproofing material. Use a shop vac to suck up any of the dirt and loose concrete in the cracks or crumbling areas. Mix up some concrete patch, or use some liquid concrete in a tube. Spread it over the surface with a trowel and make sure the entire crack is full of patching solution. Let it dry and set before doing anything else to the surface.

Next you should wet the surface of the concrete with water. Before you apply any of the waterproofing material, wet the concrete thoroughly. You don’t want to soak the area, but it should be wet before you apply any of the waterproofing material.

In a bucket, you should mix the crystalline waterproofing material with water. Apply just enough water so that the material becomes a thick paste, and don’t be alarmed when it starts to heat up. The chemical process of the water and the material creates this chain reaction.

Once the material is mixed to a thick paste, apply a thick coating to the concrete wall. Use a masonry brush to spread the waterproofing material over the surface of the wall. It should be thick but even throughout.

Once the crystalline waterproofing material is applied to the surface of the concrete, you must keep it wet for at least 48 hours. This is so that the materials will penetrate into porous concrete. If it sets too quickly, it won’t have a chance to combine correctly with concrete.

Another way to apply this type of waterproofing material is to sprinkle it over new concrete pours. If you are building a new foundation, sprinkle the material over the surface of wet concrete. As the concrete dries, it will cause the material to solidify inside the wall, creating a waterproof seal.